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Week 8 More Health Promotion

March 14, 2010

We have covered in class last week the definition of health promotion, the groups responsible for health promotion  -(individuals,communities,government and non-government organisations and international organisations eg WHO)

In groups last friday you looked at health promotion approaches/strategies. We will discuss these in class on Tuesday. On Monday 15/3 you have been booked into E14 computer room to complete the ‘Critical Thinking Activity” on page 57 of your student workbooks in the table indicated. This activity requires you to look at 3 different organisations and summarise some of the strategies they use to promote their message  – you are to look at their website and list/outline programs for the different population groups eg jump rope for heart is a program aimed at school chidren to promote physical activity and therefore heart health.

Your post to the blog this week is to:

Discuss the effectiveness of 1 health promotion campaign in changing attitudes/behaviours of young people. Give reasons supported by evidence that supports your discussion.

16 Comments leave one →
  1. Torie G :) permalink
    March 18, 2010 6:38 am

    Cancer Council:

    The cancer council is one of Australias largest non government orginisation.
    The cancer council promotes, practices and policies to help prevent, detect and treat cancer. They also help cancer patient’s to get the best treatment possible.
    The cancer council works with members to
    Undertake and fund cancer reseach
    Prevent and control cancer
    Provide information and support for those affect by cancer.

    They have many campaigns to advertise and make young people aware of the affects of cancer. Some of these campaigns are Daffodil Day
    Girls Night in, Pink Ribbon Day,Relay for life and many more.
    Through these significant days they raise funds by selling merchindise, collecting money as donations and they bring family and friends together that have lost loved ones from cancer.
    Many people see these as significant days to bring an awareness to cancer.

  2. Bec :) permalink
    March 29, 2010 1:06 am

    Discuss the effectiveness of 1 health promotion campaign in changing attitudes/behaviours of young people. Give reasons supported by evidence that supports your discussion,

    Jump rope for heart

    Personal skills: physically active leaarning skipping
    strengthening community action: everyine joijns ina nd has a go, so everyone is getting physical activity.
    building public policy: everyone gets involved and the jump rope for heart becomes a bigger campaign throughtoutthe community
    reorientating health services: increases peoples physical actuivity levels whcih stops them from getting obese and overwieght
    creating supportive envirnments: schools are a prefect pleace to use jump rope for heart as everyone is safe away form roads etc.

  3. David permalink
    March 29, 2010 1:13 am

    Jump Rope for Heart

    Personal skills: physically active leaarning to skipping
    strengthening community action: everyine joins in and has a go, so everyone is getting physical activity.
    building public policy: everyone gets involved and the jump rope for heart becomes a bigger campaign throughtoutthe community
    reorientating health services: increases peoples physical actuivity levels whcih stops them from getting obese and overwieght
    creating supportive envirnments: schools are a prefect pleace to use jump rope for heart as everyone is safe away form roads etc.

  4. Taylahhh permalink
    March 29, 2010 1:24 am

    the ‘slip slop slap’ campaign is a well known advertisment as in australia its a well known health hazard and problem in society today, tanning and being out in the sun during summer from the heat people do not realise what its doing to them so with the ads on tv and on bilboards and magazines around many communties that say the to remember the 5 things, hat, sunscreen, long clothes etc these point remind people and some ads show what can occur if not careful, melonomas and skin cancer arent hard to get and can end in death if not treated early are clearly noted.

    im sure this campaign has opened alot of eyes to see what the sun can do and how its so easy to protect your skin. 🙂 no tan is a safe tan is the slogan eaily remembered and heard by many individauls, hopefulyl the percentage wil increase of who takes it in and acts differently because of this promotion.


  5. Mitchell permalink
    March 29, 2010 8:29 am

    Heart Foundation
    The Heart Foundation helps promote cardiovascular research, health professionals in their practice, developed health activities, educated the public and assisted people with cardiovascular disease.
    They have many campaigns to inform and educate young people about cardiovascular disease, Heart Foundation sunday walks, Go Red For Women, doorknock apeal, donations and Heart Week are some campaigns that inform and educate young people about cardiovascular disease.

  6. Vinessa Scaglione permalink
    March 29, 2010 8:37 am

    The National Heart Foundation of Australia/Heart Foundation is a non-profit organization which states to improve the cardiac health of Australians. It was formed in 1959. It was produced by a Partiular group of cardiac proffessors, which created such an organisation to inhance the cardiac heath with in our soicety.
    The heart foundations also do charitiys with donations and bequests, to raise money for researchers and education programs. This is great for soicety as it may be the answers to questions and conclusions to pridictions.
    For Example, the program in most schools; Jump Rope for Heart. This is where kids raise money by jumping and skipping with a rope exercising the health of their heart.

    This promotes the cause to support people those affected by cardiac disease and problems. The heart foundation provides health services which will help people in which are having difficultly with dealing having heart disease or stroke. This is an issue that affects the daily lives of many Australians, having these services provided may help many people. Apart from seeing a doctor, people are not exactly sure where else to turn for information. Having these health Services, helplines, and education may have a major contribution to people who seek information about cardivasicular problems.

    The Heart foundation also set out many magazine issues such as nutrition and healthy eating, blood pressure and cholesterol, smoking cessation, physical activity and heart surgery. This is great to learn from and even sign up for programs and request for information booklets.

  7. Josie permalink
    March 29, 2010 8:47 am

    The 4000 chemicals campaign run by the government encourages Australians to consider the chemicals they potentially inhale every time they smoke and the long-term damage to their health. The overall effectiveness of this campaign is unknown as yet becasue it is a new campaign.
    The Australian Government’s quitnow campaigns website notes that “Tobacco consumption is the single largest preventable cause of premature death and disease in Australia.” This website is specifically targetting smokers, both youth and adults and encourages people to quit, or avoid smoking in the future.

  8. tom carruthers permalink
    March 29, 2010 9:00 am

    The heart foundation promotes healthy living. It has campaigns on how to promote the message of staying healthy. Campaigns such as Jump Rope for Heart and Eat Smart Play Smart are very effective in changing the attitudes of young people. Jump Rope for Heart is effective in many ways. Jump Rope for Heart is the most popular program in schools. It is a fact shown on the Heart Foundation website that it is Australia’s most popular physical activity and fundraising programs in schools.
    Because of the participation of this program it means people are becoming more healthy.

    Eat Smart Play Smart is a national program that promotes healthy eating and active play for children. This program helps kids learn and improve their skills. This is another campaign from the Heart Foundation which is effective in changing the behaviours of young people to make them healthier.

  9. Genya permalink
    March 29, 2010 9:15 am

    A Healthy and Active Australia

    The Australian government is committed to promoting healthy lifestyles, addressing obesity, and taking preventative measures to improve the health of Australians.
    They have produced lots of campaigns to achieve these goals and one of the example is Active After-School Communities (AASC) program.
    Their aim is to get children more healthy and active, plus making sports more accessible.
    They introduce over 70 sports and encourage non-active children. The positive introduction of these sports to the children inspires a passion for sports and develop their skills, which is the foundation for a child to progress to local club sport and continue to be involved in sport.

  10. nick grehan permalink
    March 29, 2010 10:01 am

    NSW department of Health, to warn kids about the affects of obesity there are alot of commercials about obesity one is

    where the couch starts signing the song get up and move and yeh.

    they also do marathons for obese people.

  11. Sabrina Kenny permalink
    March 29, 2010 10:16 am

    The Government has a series of ads about smoking, and how they affect the body.

    These ads use the scare tactic, showing you the full extent of the problems that smoking causes in your body, such as the blocked artery, the amputation of a leg and a girl who has mouth cancer.
    I think that with all the other information teenagers receive about smoking and how it is not good for you, you eventually become numb to the reality of the problem, and forget about it, or think it won’t happen to you. These ads help bring reality to the statements about smoking and your health, changing the information in our minds from a possibly/maybe, to a definitely could happen to me.

    It also might pull up short those teens who smoke for the hell of it, or because it is the “cool” thing to do. They show a consequence to your actions, therefore hoping to give people a pause before choosing to smoke, or consider quitting smoking if they already do.

  12. angus jackett permalink
    March 29, 2010 10:53 am

    National Skin Cancer Awareness Campaign
    The ad where the surgeon removes the melanoma from Tanya 22 year old.
    This ad campaign aims to educate young Australian teenagers about the seriousness of skin cancer and how to prevent it by using the five key sun protection behaviours.

    1. Seek shade
    2. Wear sun protective clothing that covers as much of your body as possible
    3. Put on a broad-brimmed hat that shades your face, neck and ears
    4. Wear wrap-around sunglasses
    5. Apply SPF30+ sunscreen every two hours.

    The graphic content infuences the fact of the seriousness of skin cancer and aims to get young Australians to adopt early good behaivours in life.

  13. Alec permalink
    March 29, 2010 12:06 pm

    mmmmmm i swear i have already done this

    Cancer Council Australia

    The Australian Cancer Council has been effective in changing the attitudes and behaviors of young people by promoting individual, group and community actions which can be taken towards cancer.

    The Cancer Council supplies information about different types of cancers, cancer prevention, treatment and support options, as well as links to clinical guidelines and cancer resources for GPs and health professionals. This information combined with cancer smart lifestyle guidelines, advertisement campaigns and other beneficial programs, have created awareness of Cancer in all forms. By showing links to facebook and twitter, the Cancer Council website is appealing to the younger generations and this may encourage them to explore more of the dangers of cancer. Campaigns and slogans such as “Slip, Slop, Slap” and “Smoking Kills”are easy to remember, especially for younger people, this is effective for when young people go to the beach they are fully aware of the precautions towards skin and lung cancer and are more likely to protect themselves and indulge in protective behaviors.

    The Australian Cancer Council is very effective in promoting its information and services to the younger generation and helping them change their attitudes and behaviors towards cancer. This is achieved by using new networking sites and more visually effective ad campains which are more likely to influence adolescents.

  14. March 29, 2010 12:25 pm

    Smoking helplines:

    smoking helplines are here to help smokers ( young or old ) give up there habit and choose a healthy lifestyle. the people you speak to are normally ex smokers them selfs and understand what you are trying to achieve. you can also get into group therapy which is good because you can interact with people in personally and maybe find friends through doing so…

    miss i have no clue what we had to do for the mind maps, if we did it on friday i wasn’t . t here, but if we did it another day, i wasn’t paying attention

  15. Kelvin O'Young permalink
    March 29, 2010 12:34 pm

    The Cancer Council Australia is a non-government, non-profitable organisation which aims to promote cancer-control policies and to reduce the illness caused by cancer in Australia.
    It advises various groups, including the government, on cancer-related issues, acts as an advocate for cancer patients and their families.
    It is a major funding contributor towards cancer research, prevention and education

    The Campaign “Bondi ‘crime scene’ puts tanning in the frame” tries to change the attitudes and behaviours of young people towards sun protection.
    This campaign shows towels stretched across the sand, each drawnout with a crime scene chalk outline of a ‘victim’. The towels are a graphic representation of the 1700 Australians who die each year from skin cancer.
    It tells us not to be the victim this year.
    Young people will feel scared of the sun after seeing these campaign as this gives the feeling that ‘they are going to be one of the victim’

  16. David H permalink
    March 29, 2010 9:37 pm

    Cancer Council provides a combat startegy in overcoming cancer and aims in overcoming cancer within australia.

    It provides such things asinformation, knowledge and helath promotion startegies. It benefits as it provides a local system in attempting to minimize the oulined health promotion.

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